Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Post # 3

Sam Gribley in My Side of the Mountain can be compared to Bear Grylls in television show Man vs. Wild. They are alike becaue both characters teach others how to survive in the wild. In the book, Sam comes across an English teacher who got lost on a hiking trip in the Catskills. He calls the man Bando and feeds him and gives him shelter. Bando is intrigued by Sam and stays with him for several days, learning from Sam how to prepare the fish, nuts and berries they gather together. In Man vs. Wild, the host Bear Grylls is stranded in a secluded area and needs to find a way back to civilization. Throughout the episode he survives by using all resources available from nature. He often builds shelters and rafts just like Sam. A major difference is that Bear Grylls is trying to get back to civilization, while Sam Gribley is running away from it. Man vs. Wild is more of a reality show, while the book is fictional. In My Side of the Mountain Sam goes on a journey and leaves home. The author uses this to symbolize not just his expedition into the wilderness, but the journey of self discovery as well. Sam is able to learn independence and skills which help him gain maturity and knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting comparisons Brooke. I see what your saying. Good Job
