Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

The main character in My Side of the Mountain is a twelve year old boy named Sam Gribley.  Sam is a great character because he is independent and intelligent. After making the decision of leaving for the wilderness, everyone Sam comes across thinks he’s he’ll never last more than a day away from home. Talking about his father’s reaction Sam says, “ He laughed. Everyone  laughed at me. Even Dad.  He had roared with laughter and told me about the time he had run away from home." Although Sam faces many difficulties trying to find food and make shelter, he never gives up. He finds a baby falcon, and over the next year he trains it to hunt and bring back rabbits and other prey. He uses his resources wisely and finds clever ways to survive alone.
If Sam found $100 on the ground he would probably take a little bit for himself. This is probably what most twelve year old kids would do. He also is not afraid to do whatever is necessary to survive, and if he needed the money, Sam would probably take some.

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